Tuesday, 21 May 2013

CPD Altitude first aid course

More continued professional development this weekend, as I completed an Altitude first aid course hosted by Dr Jon Dallimore, provided by World Challenge. A very well run course, and will now feel much more confident if & when administering drugs for HACE & HAPE, amongst many other skills learnt and refreshed on the course. 

1 comment:

  1. CBD College offers first aid course and training in the CBD in Newcastle, Sydney, Liverpool, Penrith, Wollongong, Parramatta & Hornsby NSW, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Phillip Canberra, Melbourne, and Hobart Tasmania. CBD College is the leading First Aid CPR training organisation in the Australia.

    CBD College HOTLINE :
    1300 558 474 or 1300 723 056 or 1300 628 299
