Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Youth development expedition to Thailand

I have recently returned from leading a youth expedition to Thailand, with a group from south Africa. My first time shooting with a DSLR. We spent 5 days working with a local hill tribe, helping to build their church, WWR near chaing mai, trekking in Kho Yai national park, swimming in a waterfall, R&R on Ko samet island, thai massage on the beach.

Sun set in Northern Thailand, looking towards Burma.

Dragon fruit, Chiang Mai market.

Old man, Palong tribe.

Young boy, from the Palong tribe.

Somewhere over the rainbow

Palong women in traditional dress

Relaxing after a long day trekking

Swimming in a waterfall, Khao Yai National park.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great time! Had so much fun and learnt so many new things! Wish we were all still in Thailand! Nun, song, sam, see, ha, ho, jet, bad, gou, slip!:p
